What is the purpose of Gavi's prioritisation mechanism?
The prioritisation mechanism guides Gavi's funding decisions when resources are restricted by enabling the ranking of country proposals recommended for funding by the Independent Review Committee (IRC) for new and underused vaccine support (NVS). Limited resources will be spent on the highest ranking proposals. Health system strengthening support, provided according to the Health Systems Resource allocation formula, is not subject to the prioritisation mechanism.
When is the prioritisation mechanism applied and how does it work?
The prioritisation mechanism is applied when Gavi resources are insufficient to meet demand in a particular application round. All applications recommended for funding by the IRC will be weighted and ranked according to the following criteria:
Ranking criteria for New Vaccine Support proposals
Maximise health impact
Ratio of future deaths averted to total population from the first five years of vaccination
Maximise value for money
Cost per future death averted
Reinforce financial sustainability of immunisation programmes
- Co-financing performance for Gavi supported vaccines in the last five years: number of years for which a country has not fulfilled its co-financing commitment; and:
- Percentage of spending on vaccines used in routine immunisation financed with Government funds
Support countries with the greatest need
Gross national income per capita
Promote equitable distribution of Gavi’s resources
One application funded per country per round
Countries can still apply for as many new vaccines as they wish, but the prioritisation mechanism means that only one NVS proposal can be funded per country per application round if there is a constraint on resources. This ensures a more equitable distribution of resources across countries. Countries with more than one IRC recommended proposal will be invited to select the proposal they would like to see funded. The unfunded IRC recommended proposals will automatically be considered in the next application round.
More information on the prioritisation mechanism including the calculation of proposal scores and revisions from the original mechanism (created in 2010) can be found in the June 2013 Board paper on Prioritisation.
When was the prioritisation mechanism approved and when will it be updated?
The prioritisation mechanism was launched in June 2010 for a two-year trial period. While the prioritisation mechanism was used to prioritise funding for the IRC-recommended proposals from the October 2009 round, the absence of funding constraints in subsequent years made application of the mechanism unnecessary. Based on additional analysis, the prioritisation mechanism was finalised with small revisions and came into effect with Gavi Board approval in June 2013.
The need to update the mechanism will be assessed after its use in a funding shortfall or at the Gavi Board’s request.