Accelerate the uptake and use of underused and new vaccines
By the end of the 2011–2015 period, all Gavi-supported countries had introduced the pentavalent vaccine. We also helped accelerate access to new vaccines, in particular pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines, which protect against the main causes of pneumonia and deadly diarrhoea.
Country introduction targets for pentavalent, pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines were reached more than one year ahead of schedule.
We also started supporting several new vaccines in this period, including those protecting against human papillomavirus (HPV), rubella, Japanese encephalitis and polio.
We supported more than 200 vaccine introductions and campaigns in the 2011–2015 period – four times as many as in the previous five years.
The health systems goal (Phase 3)
Contribute to strengthening the capacity of integrated health systems to deliver immunisation
Increase the predictability of global financing and improve the sustainability of national financing for immunisation
The market shaping goal (Phase 3)
Providing appropriate and affordable vaccines for the developing world