Yemen COVAX vaccine roll-out news
GOOD NEWS! More COVID vaccines💉arrived in Yemen🇾🇪
— UNICEF Yemen (@UNICEF_Yemen) August 29, 2021
Today, 151,200 doses of Johnson&Johnson COVID vaccines arrived in Aden Airport under the COVAX Facility with support from @USAIDMiddleEast. These vaccines & more to come will allow many more people to be protected against COVID19
#Yemen receives 360 000 #COVID19 vaccine doses through the #COVAX Facility. Learn more: @UNICEF_Yemen @gavi @CEPIvaccines @WHOEMRO
— WHO Yemen (@WHOYemen) March 31, 2021
*SII-AstraZeneca (COVISHIELD) vaccine, licensed and manufactured by Serum Institute of India
The central public resource for the latest information on the world’s COVID-19 vaccine market and the COVAX Facility’s vaccine deliveries.