UNICEF is preparing to issue the second Call for Offers for pneumococcal vaccines for Gavi-eligible countries under the Advance Market Commitment (AMC) with the objective of meeting demand for the next five years

A pre-tender meeting took place in UNICEF Supply Division in Copenhagen on 10 March 2011.

UNICEF issued the first Call for Offers in September 2009 and entered into long term contracts with two suppliers totalling 60 million doses of vaccines on an annual basis to be supplied from 2013.


As of today, 19 out of 72 eligible countries have been approved by GAVI to receive funding for introduction of pneumococcal vaccines in their programmes and introductions are currently on-going or being planned.

New countries are expected to apply to Gavi for support by the May 2011 application deadline as well as future application rounds, and additional supply is therefore required.

Pipeline and registered manufacturers

Under the AMC legal framework, all suppliers which have registered to the AMC can submit a proposal to UNICEF in response to this tender, even if products are in development and expected to become licensed and WHO pre-qualified and available for supply only within the next five years.

Proposals submitted by pipeline manufacturers will be taken into consideration by UNICEF when deciding quantities to award to current suppliers, with regards to e.g. prices offered, the ability to meet country product preferences, to meet demand and create a healthy market including multiple suppliers.

This meeting is therefore highly relevant for present and future manufacturers of pneumococcal vaccines. Please visit the UNICEF website for further information.

Last updated: 11 Dec 2019

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