The Board approved a number of measures to support the implementation of the Alliance’s 2016 to 2020 strategy.

These include an enhanced focus on goal level indicators and data, engaging in a partnership with India and supporting efforts against measles and rubella by rolling a strategy plan over the next five years.

Board documents

2 December 2015

00a Document list pdf

Gov -201 5-Mtg -3-Doc 00a

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
2-3 December 2015
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 30 November and Tuesday 1 Dec: Pre -Board meetings
Wednesday 2 December: 0 9.00 -18.00 (Board meeting Day One)
Thursday 3 December: 0 8.30-18.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 14

Document list

No. Document
00a Document list
00b Agenda
01a Declarations of interest
01b Minutes from 10 -11 June 2015
01c Minutes from 18 September 2015
01 d Workplan
02a Consent agenda: Board/Committee member nominations (To follow)
02b Consent agenda: Committee Chair appointments (To follow)
02c Consent agenda: Changes to Committee Charters (To follow)
02d Consent agenda: IRC nominations (To follow)
02e Consent agenda: Programme funding policy update
02f Consent agenda: Audit & Investigations Terms of Reference
03 CEO?s report (To follow)
04 Committee Chair and IFFIm Board reports ? No paper
05 Resource Mobilisation and Private Sector Partnerships Update
06 Financial forecast and programme funding request
07 Gavi?s Measles and Rubella strategy
08 Alliance Partnership Strategy with India, 2016 -2021
09 Chair?s reflections on the day ? No paper
10 Chair?s overview ? No paper
11 Gavi Alliance Strategy 2016 -2020 : goal level indicators and targets
12 Data strategic fo cus area
13 Country Programmes strategic issues
14 Risk management update
15 Engagement Framework and Budget for Partners and Secretariat for 2016 -2017
16 Ebola update

2 December 2015

00b Agenda pdf

Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 00b

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
2-3 December 2 015
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 30 November and Tuesday 1 Dec : Pre -Board meetings
Wednesday 2 December : 0 9.00 -18.00 (Board meeting Day One)
Thursday 3 December : 0 8.30-18.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 14


Pre -Board Meetings ? Monday, 30 November 2015
Item Subject Room Schedule

? IFFIm Donors? meeting Lisbonne 16.00 -18.00

Pre -Board Meetings ? Tuesday , 1 December 2015
Item Subject Room Schedule

? Technical Bri efing Session 1
o Health systems strengthening
o Financ ial forecast and funding requests
o Gavi?s investment portfolio
Lisbonne 08.30 -12.00
08.30 -10. 00
10. 00 -10.30
10.30 -11.30
11.30 -12.00
? Technical Briefing Session 2
o Alliance Partnership Strategy with In dia, 2016 -2021
Lisbonne 13.00 -14.00
? Audit and Finance Committee meeting Paris 13.00 -14.00
? Developing Countries Board members meeting Copenhague 14.00 -15. 00
? Executive Committee meeting Paris 14. 15 -15. 15
? Governance Committee meeting Copenhague 15.15 -16.45
? Board Meeting: Closed session for Board members
and Alternate Board members
New York 17.00 -19.00
? Gavi Donors? meeting Copenhague 19.30 -21.30
? Board Chair & Vice Chair dinner with new Board
TBC 19.30

2 December 2015

01a Declarations of interest pdf

Board -201 5-Mtg -3-Doc 01 a

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
2-3 December 2015
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

Monday 30 November and Tuesday 1 Dec: Pre -Board meetings
Wednesday 2 December: 0 9.00 -18.00 (Board meeting Day One)
Thursday 3 December: 0 8.30-18.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Quorum: 14
Declarations of Interest

Section 5.2 of the Conflict of Interest Policy states, ?Annually, each member of the Board
(including alternate Board members and Committee delegates)...shall complete and submit a
conflic t of interest form to be distributed by the Managing Director, Law and Governance.? The
following declarations were made by members of the Board on their most recent annual
Board members:
Member Org anisational Interest s Financial/Personal/Adv isor Int
Dagfinn H?ybr?ten , Chair None Gavi -appointed special adviser
Flavia Bustreo, Vice Chair WHO Gavi -appointed special adviser
Khagaraj Adhikari Government of Nepal Gavi -appointed special adviser
Bahar Idriss Abu Garda Government of Sudan TBD
Way ne Berson None None
Zulfiqar Bhutta Research & Tech. Health Inst Aga Khan University
Donal Brown UK ( UK/ CA N/IRL ) None
Gunilla Carlsson None TBD
Olivier Charmeil Int?l Federation of Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers & Associations Sanofi Pasteur (CEO)
Awa Marie Coll -Seck Government of Senegal Gavi -appointed special
adviser /TBD
Tim Evans The World Bank None
Geeta Rao Gupta UNICEF None
Eivind Homme Norway (DEN/NE D/NOR/SWE) None
H.R.H. the Infanta Cristina
of Spain None
la Caixa? Foundation (Employee)
Bar celona Inst. for Global Health (Board)
Aga Khan Dev .Network (Employee)
Mariam Diallo France (EC/FRA/GER/LUX) TBD
Orin Levine Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation PATH (Family)
Yifei Li None Man Group (Country Chair)
Rockefeller Foundation (Board)

2 December 2015

01b Minutes from 10 11 June 2015 pdf

Board -2015 -Mtg -01 1

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
10 -11 June 2015
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report & presentation of film

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 08.33 Geneva
time on 10 June 2015. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten , Board Chair , chaired the meeting .

1.2 The Chair referred to the revised agenda which had been circulated to the Board
on the previous day , noting that items had been reorder ed to ensure the Audit and
Finance Committee Chair would be present for the financial forecast/programme
funding request and internal audit report 1.

1.3 The Chair welcomed new Board member s and alternate Board members , as wel l
as Ren? Karsenti, Chair of the International Finance Facility for Immunisation
(IFFIm) , other directors of t he IFFIm Board, and Rob Moodie, new Chair of the
Evaluation Advisory Committee. The Chair noted that departing members would
be recognised for their service at the dinner that evening.

1.4 The Board had met in executive session the evening before to discuss the Board
Chair recruitment process and the McKinsey review of Secretariat capacity and
resourcing .

1.5 Standing declarations of int erest were tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the Board
pack). The Chair noted that in the context of the items for decision on the agenda
there were a number of Board members who would have conflicts of interest and
that these would be raised at the appropri ate time and recorded in the applicable
parts of the minutes.

1.6 The Board noted its minutes from 1 0-11 December 2 014 (Doc 01b), which were
approved by no objection on 2 6 March 2015 . The Board also noted its workplan
(Doc 01c).

1.7 The Chair commented on the structure and content of the papers wh ich had been
circulated to the B oard for this meeting. He noted that the work had been well
prepared through the Board Committees but that some improvements could be
made to the papers so that they provide a more general and shorter overview of
the key information appropriate for Board member consumption, particularly for
Board members who are not members of particular Committees .
1.8 Finally, he presented a video on the recent introduction of Japanese encephalit is
vaccine in Lao PDR.

1 Post -meeting note: These minutes record discussions and decisions in the order originally planned.

2 December 2015

01c Minutes from 18 September 2015 pdf

Board -2015 -Mtg -02 1

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
18 September 201 5

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 16.00
Geneva time on 18 September 2015. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten , Board Chair, chaired
the meeting. Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 1 in
the Committee pack).

1.2 The Chair welcomed Philip Armstrong to his first official Board meeting as
Director of Governance and Secretary to the Board.

1.3 The Chair informed the Board that this would be Kevin Klock?s last Board
meeting as he would be taking up the role of Director of Operations and Advisor
to the President of the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health in
Bethesda. On behalf of the Board, the Chair thanked Mr Klock for his
longstanding service to Gavi and his professionalism and wished him well in his
future endeavours.


2. Board and committee member nomination s

2.1 Flavia Bustreo, Vice Chair and Chair of the Governance Committee reviewed the
recommendations received for Board and committee membership (Doc 2).

2.2 The Chair emphasised the desire to ensure Board members remain vigila nt in
achieving the gender balance guidelines.

Decision One

The Gavi Alliance Board:

? Appointed the following Board Member:

o Eivind S. Homme of Norway as Board Member representing the
Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden donor constituency in
the seat currently held by Beate Stir? of Norway effective immediately
and until 31 December 2016.


2 December 2015

02a Consent agenda Board and Committee member nominations pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 02a
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

Section A: Overview
Executive summary
On 23 September 2015, the Secretary wrote to Board members informing
them that Board and Committee nominations should be submitted by 6
November 2015. This report sets out recommendations for Board and
Committee membership in light of the nominations received .
A number of organisations and constituencies have proposed
reappointment of their Board and/or Committee members. Where new
candidates have been proposed these are highlighted in yellow.
The Governance Committee noted that the Programme and Policy
Committee Charter states that ?Board Members/Alternates and
Committee Delegates will be eligible for membership on the Committee with
a majority of members being Board Members/Alternates? , and that the
proposed composition of the Committee as outlined in this paper is 6 Board
Members/ Alternates and 11 Committee delegates. Governance Committee
agreed that this should be considered as part of the Charter review and the
Board and Committee self -evaluation which are on the work plan for 2016.
As further background information for the Governace Committee
discussions, information on attendance at Board and Committee meetings
over the past two years can be found in Annexes 1 and 2 respectively.

Report of: Philip Armstrong, Director, Governance
Authored by: Joanne Goetz, Alexandra Laheurte Sloyka
Agenda item: 02 a
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations

2 December 2015

02b Consent agenda Committee Chair appointments pdf



Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 02b
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

Section A: Overview
Executive Summary
The Chairs of the Executive Committee and the Governance Committee
are statutorily appointed by virtue of their positions as Chair and Vice
Chair of the Board, respectively. Chairs of the other Board Committees
must be appointed by the Board.
As the terms of the current Chairs of the Audit and Fi nance Committee,
Investment Committee and Programme and Policy Committee come to an
end on 31 December 2015, thi s report outlines recommendations for
appointments and reappointments.
The Gavi Governance Committee recommend s to the Gavi Board that it :
? Appoint :
o David Sidwell as Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee
effective 1 January 2016 and until 31 December 2017 .
? Re appoint :
o Stephen Zinser as Chair of the Investment Committee effective
1 January 2016 and until 30 June 2017 .
o Richard Sezibera as Chair of the Programme and Policy
Committee effective 1 January 2016 and until 31 December 2017 .

The minutes will note that candidates for these positions did not participate in
discussion and voting on their appointments.
Report of: Philip Armstrong, Director, Governance
Authored by: Joanne Goetz, Alexandra Laheurte Sloyka
Agenda item: 02b
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations

2 December 2015

02c Consent agenda Changes to Committee Charters pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 02c
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

Section A: Overview
Executive Summary
At its meeting in June 2015, the Gavi Board approved the governance
approval process for the Partners? Engagement Framework (PEF) and it
was indicated that this would require minor modifications to governance
processes which would be presented to t he Governance Committee and
then to the Board for approval in December 2015.
This report therefore provides an overview of the proposed amend ments
to the Audit and Finance Committee (AFC) and Programme and Policy
Committee (PPC) Charters to align with the Board decisio n.
The Gavi Governance Committee recommend s to the Gavi Board that it :
a) Approve amendments to the Audit and Finance Committee Charter as
outlined in Annex A to Doc 02c .
b) Approve amendments to the Programme and Policy Committee
Charter as outlined in Annex B to Doc 02c .
Section C: Risk implication and mitigation and Financial i mplications
Risk implication and mitigation
During their meeting in October 2015, Programme and Policy Committee
members indicated that they found it difficult to make recommendations on
programmatic aspects of the Partners? Engagement Framework having
financial implications , without knowing whether or not the levels of funding
Report of: Philip Armstrong, Director, Governance
Authored by: Joanne Goetz, Head, Governance
Agenda item: xx
Category: For Guidance
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Report of: Philip Armstrong, Director, Governance
Authored by: Joanne Goetz, Head, Governance
Agenda item: xx
Category: For Guidance
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Report of: Philip Armstrong, Director, Governance
Authored by: Joanne Goetz, Head, Governance
Agenda item: 02c
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations

2 December 2015

02d Consent agenda IRC nominations pdf



Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 02d
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report
1.1 This report proposes the extension of membership in the Independent
Review Committee (IRC) pool for current members whose terms expire in
March 2016.
2.1 The Gavi Governance Committee recommend s to the Gavi Board that it :
Extend the terms of th e IRC members listed in Annex A of Document 02d
for a further three -year term until March 2019 .
Executive summary
3.1 Under the Gavi by -laws, the IRC is an independent, impartial group of
experts that serves to guarantee the integrity and consistency of an open
and transparent funding process. In Augus t 2013 the Secretariat refreshed
and replenished the IRC pool in order to broaden and deepen availa ble
expertise , especially in the areas of gender and equity and logistics and cold
chain . Korn Ferry was selected through a competitive process to conduct
the search . The final pool of candidates was approved by the Board in April
2014 . Existing members among that pool were appointed for two -year terms
(until March 2016), and newly -identified members were appointed for three
years (until March 2017).
3.2 According to the IRC Terms of Reference (approved by the Executive
Committee in November 2013 ), IRC member s may be appointed for a term of
up to 3 years , and this term may be renewed for another period of up to 3 years.
Report of: Peter Hansen, Director of Monitoring & Evaluation
Authored by: Patricia Kuo, Head of Grand Applications & Review
Agenda item: 02d
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations

2 December 2015

02e Consent agenda Programme funding policy update pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 02e

Section A: Overview
1. Purpose of the report
1.1. This report proposes changes to the Programme Funding Policy following a
review of the policy to asse ss its fitness for purpose , under the guidance of
the Audit and Finance Committee (the ?AFC?) .
2. Recommendation
2.1 The Gavi Audit and Finance Committee recommends to the Gavi Board that
Approve the amended Gavi Programme Funding Policy attached as Annex
A to Doc 02e.
3. Executive s ummary
3.1 Gavi?s Programm e Funding Policy was first approved by the Board in June
2010 . S ubsequent revisions were reviewed and recommended by the AFC ,
and app roved by the Board in 2011, 2012 and 2013. The Policy aims to
ensure the prudent management of Gavi resources and commitments .
3.2 With five years of experience of operating the Polic y, a review of the Policy
has been undertaken by the Secretariat at t he request of the AFC to see if
it is still fit for purpose and whether there are opportunities for further
simplification . This paper outlines key aspects of the Policy review and
highlights the propose d changes.
3.3 The review proposes no changes to the core areas of the Polic y, notably
those that pertain to Visi bility Periods and the Needs and Resource s that
are included in assessing programme funding decisions. Additional clarity
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance and Operations
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Senior Director Finance & Chief Accounting
Agenda item: 02e
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Report to the Board
2-3 December 2015

2 December 2015

02f Consent agenda Audit and Investigations Terms of Reference pdf


Re port Bo
Bo -2 -M -3-Doc 02f
\(a\) S
A -Fr
\(con &I fu
\(b\) S Clarifying the Board?s oversight role in the establishment of
\(c\) Section 5. Clarifying the nature of A&I?s interaction with the external
\(d\) S ith
Ga -supported countries and partners given the expansion of A&I?s
\(e\) Section 10. Clarifying the Managing Director A&I?s reporting lines to,
\(f S n
A&I?s organisational independence, as required by professional
\(g S
\(h\) S w
Board on the approval of the function?s budget (as a component part of
\(i S
a e
3 Th
a ? \(i .
4 A
o A&I?s
rep t
p o h

2 December 2015

03 CEO s report document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 03
Report to the Gavi Board
2-3 December 2015

25 November 2015
Dear Board members
2015 is an important year for Gavi and for the world as we come to the end of the
Millennium Development Goal s and Gavi?s 2011 -15 strategy period , and look
ahead to the post -2015 era . This report reviews how the Alliance has perform ed
during the 2011 -15 period , and how we are preparing for the 2016 -20 strategy.
2011 -15 strategy delivered unprecedented progress , but challenges persist
The Alliance set ambitious targets for 2011 -15, and we are largely on track
to deliver (we will have a full review of Gavi?s performance during this strategy
period in mid -2016 when the WHO -UNICEF estimates of immunisation coverage
(WUENIC) are available for 2015). This period has seen unprecedented progress
in immunisation with more children reached than ever before and a dramatic
acceleration in vaccine introductions. However, we have not fully delivered on all
our ambitions and these areas will be a key focus during the next strategy period.
WUENIC data showed average coverage 1 in the 73 Gavi countries reached
81% in 2014 . This is the first time it has exceeded 80% and is an increase of 3
points since 2010 , meaning nearly 65 million children in Gavi countries received
three doses of a DTP -containing vaccine. 32 Gavi countries now have coverage
of over 90% , a sign of the gr owing strength of many immunisation programmes . It
also means that the unreached are increasingly concentrated in a set of large
and fragile States , with 20 countries accounting for ~90% of under -immunised
children. Despite progress in many of these countries (e.g., Ethiopia coverage
improved from 61% to 77% 2010 -2014 and Nigeria from 54% to 66%), there is a
long way to go. The Alliance is not on track to achieve its target of a 6% in crease
in coverage by 2015 and coverage growth has slowed over Gavi?s lifetime as the
under -immunised become fewer and therefore harder to reach. This underscores
the need for innovative approaches and robust data to identify and reach the
1 All estimates of coverage and numbers of under -immunised children in this report are based on the number
of children receiving three doses of a DTP -containing vaccine unless otherwise specified
Report of the Chief Executive Officer

2 December 2015

04 Committee Chair and IFFIm Board reports No paper pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 04

Agenda item: 04
No paper
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

2 December 2015

05 Resource Mobilisation and Private Sector Partnerships Update document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 05

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the Report
1.1 This report provides an update on fundraising efforts at the Secretariat
notably: (i) to close the 2011 -2015 period (i i) to convert pledges announced
at the pledging conference into legally binding agreements; and (iii) to
secure and extend resources from both sovereign and private sector
Executive Summary
2.1 Following Gavi?s ?Reach Every Child? pledging conference in Berlin, over
US $ 7.5 billion was pledged for the 2016 -2020 period by 31 public and
private sector donors. The replenishment was successful in broadening the
donor base with a more sustainable burden share spread among 12 core
donors , and increasing new donors (see Figure 1). The diversification was
achieved over time with tre mendous growth in Europe, the Americas and
the Middle East. Expansion in Asia -Pacific is still ongoing with Japan?s
pledge being finalised in the context of their G7 presidency (see Figure 2).
2.2 Negotiations of pledges have been planned in 3 rounds: the first two rounds
focused on securing multi -year pledges with a target signature of 7 5% by
year -end while the remaining 25% pledges will be signed annually. A key
characteristic of the negotiations has been their complexity as agreements
draw on various mul tilateral, bilateral and innovative finance sources and
involve a variety of agencies with different requirements and procedures. I n
total, roughly 50 agreements will need to be signed over the period to firm
up pledges.
Report of: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao, Managing Director, Resource
Mobilisation & Private Sector Partnerships
Authored by: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao, Joseph Leenhouts -Martin
Agenda item: 05
Category: For Information
Strategic goal: SG3 - Financing: global predictability/nat'l sustainability
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

2 December 2015

06 Financial forecast and programme funding request document pdf

Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 06 1

Report to the Board
2-3 December 2015

Se ction A: Overview
Executive summary
1.1 This report informs the Gavi Alliance Board (?Board?) of the updated Gavi
financial forecast for 2011 -2020 , programme expenditure through 30 September
2015 , and utilisation of the 2015 Programme Funding Envelopes.
1.2 This report requests the Board to approve a prog ramme funding envelope for
2016 to be allotted to individual programmes by the Secretariat , in accordance
with the Programme Funding Policy.
1.3 The forecast indicates that all the decisions recommended for approval at this
Board meeting can be made in accordance with the Programme Funding Policy .
These decisions are summarised in Figure 1 , which also indicate s potential future
investments yet to be considered .
1.4 With regard to expenditure, t he forecast provides for all currently anticipated
expenditure needs through 2020. It incorporates the funding decisions to date
and those requested at this Board meeting , an d provides for future requests
based on the latest demand estimates .
1.5 With regard to resources , the forecast include s amounts pledged to date,
including in Berlin in January 2015. Further contributions are exp ected as donors
complete pledging for all years through 2020. In advance of that, an allowance
for further direct contributions not yet pledged is included, for programme
approval purposes . This assumes that overall direct contributions in 2019 and
2020 w ill continue at their 2016 -2018 level.
1.6 The forecast also indicates that up to US$ 0.3 billion could be available thr ough
2020 to meet needs beyond those currently included in the forecast. This is
dependent on all donors completing their pledging through 2 020 and contributing
their pledges . Annex 1 explains terminology associated with the forecast.
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance and Operations
Authored by: Tony Dutson, Senior Director, Finance & CAO; and Barry Greene
Agenda item: 06
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Alliance operations

2 December 2015

07 Gavi s Measles and Rubella strategy document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 07

Executive Summary
1.1 Gavi?s involvement in measles has grown from 2004 to several different
types of current support, with a total investment estimated to reach
US$ 1.3 billion by 2020. Yet, given the evolving c hallenge s of plateauing
coverage and an increase in the incidence of measles outbreaks , and the
new Gavi strategic vision for 2016 -20 20 which is focused on sustainable
coverage and equity of all vaccines, it was deemed important by the Board
in December 2014 to revisit Gavi?s measles and rubella strategy .
1.2 The Gavi Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) in May was presented
with several options f or Gavi?s future involvement in measles and rubella.
The PPC considered Gavi ?s involvement in measles and rubella as critically
important .
1.3 The Secretariat convened a Technical Working Group (TWG) receiving
guidance from a high level Steering Committee (SC ), who have met on
several occasions to determine Gavi?s future involvement in measles and
1.4 The PPC in October was presented with a proposed Gavi?s measles and
rubella strategy based on the principles of country ownership, financial and
programmati c sustainability and be a central component of coverage and
equity work. The PPC recommended the propo sed strategy and noted the
support as a priority spend for Gavi?s remaining funds.
1.5 The PPC requested that the strategy takes into consideration Gavi?s
Fragility and Immunisation Policy when requiring countries to fully finance
their own routine measles monovalent vaccine in order to receive Gavi
support . The PPC also requested that the complementary roles and
responsibilities with the Measles & Rubella I nitiative (M&RI) be determi ned.
Please find attached as Annex A a letter from M&RI outlining such
complementarities .
Report of: Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Authored by: Khin Devi Aung, Stefano Malvolti
Agenda item: 07
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

2 December 2015

08 Alliance Partnership Strategy with India 2016 2021 document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 08
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

Section A: Overview
Executive Summary
1.1 At its December 2014 meeting , the Board requested the Secretariat to
develop a comprehensive strategy for Alliance engagement with India ,
given the country ?s forthcoming transition out of Gavi support . This report
presents the strategy guided by principles endorsed by the Programme and
Policy Committee (PPC) (Annex B), and recommendations by the PPC at
its October 2015 meeting , for decisions by the Board.
1.2 With almost 27 million children born each year, India is the most populous
Gavi -eligible country. Although India still accounts for one -fifth of child
deaths worldwide and more than a quarter of all under -immunised children
in Gavi -eligible countries, it has made tremendous prog ress in reducing
child mortality and has more than halved child deaths since 1990 . India was
certified polio -free in 2014, and maternal and neonatal tetanus was
eliminated in 2015.
1.3 India remains eligible for Gavi support based on its GNI level. Yet, given the
large birth cohort of the country, Gavi has limited its support to catalytic
funding to India. Until 2011, there was a cap placed on Gavi support to India ,
which was removed wit h the condition that the Board continues to review
any new support case by case . Because of this approach, Gavi
commitments to India have been considerably lower , in proportion to the
country?s size, compared to Gavi support for other eligible countries . This is
notable as compared to other large countries like Pakistan and Nigeria,
which ha ve similar or higher levels of g ross national income . India is much
lower in terms of absolute level of overall investments by Gavi, despite its
much larger birth cohort . In terms of Gavi investment per child , India ranks
as 72 nd out of the Gavi 73 countries given commitments to date .
2016 -2021
Report of: Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Authored by: Carol Szeto, Melissa Malhame, Dirk Gehl, Ranjana Kumar
Agenda item: 08
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals

2 December 2015

09 Chair s reflections on the day No paper pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 09

Agenda item: 09
No paper
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

2 December 2015

10 Chair s overview No paper pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 10

Agenda item: 10
No paper
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

2 December 2015

11 Gavi Alliance Strategy 2016 2020 goal level indicators and targets document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 11

Executive Summary
1.1 The purpose of this report is to summarise the recommendation from the
Programme and Policy Committee ( PPC ) to the Board regarding
endorsement of the indicators and targets for the Alliance?s strategy for
2016 -2020 . The Secretariat convened a consultative process steered by a
core group of technical experts to define indicat ors for the strategic goals,
as part of the Alliance strategy for 2016 -2020. Carefully defined indicators
that are specific, measurable, achievable/feasible, relevant and timebound
are critically important for helping the Board assess the extent to which
implementation of the 2016 -2020 strategy is on track. As part of the
development work on the indicators, the core group has sought to ensure
that this standard is met to the greatest degree possible for all indicators in
the strategy, while taking other key principles into consideration, including
the need to minimse financial costs and time burden in generating and
reporting data.
1.2 In October, t he PPC decided to recommend to the Board that it approve the
remaining strategic goal -level indicators not included among the set
approved by the Board in June 2015, as presen ted in the attached PPC
paper. Relative to what the Board approved in June 2015, this includes all
five indicators under strategic goal two and one new indicator in strategic
goals three and four. The PPC also decided to recommend to the Board
that it approve the targets for all indicators for which they are available, as
presen ted in the attached PPC paper.
1.3 With regard to the countries that should constitute the target reference
group for the thre e immunisation coverage indicators included under
strategic goal one, the PPC decided to re commend to the Board option 2.
As described further in the attached PPC paper, t his means that the 68
countries receiving support for at least one year in the coming five year
strategy period will constitute the reference group for the target s for these
Report of: Peter Hansen, Director, Monitoring & Evaluation
Authored by: Binay Kumar, Roice Fulton, Peter Hansen
Agenda item: 11
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

2 December 2015

12 Data strategic focus area document pdf


Re port Bo
Bo -2 -M -3-Doc 12
Ris - Up
3 T
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2 December 2015

13 Country Programmes strategic issues document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-13
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

1. Executive Summary
1.1. This is a cover note to the Country Programmes update that was
submitted to the Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) in October
2015. It provides information on several strategic issues raised during
the PPC ?s discussion of the Country Programmes update and poses
questions to the Board for its deliber ation . More detailed information on
the Alliance ?s in-country operations, activities, achievements and
challenges and particularly on the Alliance ?s work to increase coverage,
equity and sustainability in the Gavi supported countries is provided in the
att ached Country Programmes update to the PPC, as well as in its Annexes
A through D. The Annexes also provide more detail on the implementation
of each of the Strategic Goals 1, 2 and 3 as well as an update on the
Alliance ?s operations in 4 key countries, th e Democratic Republic of Congo,
India, Nigeria and Pakistan . A further annex to this cover note (Annex 1)
gives an overview of the World Bank Group?s engagement through the Gavi
Alliance , January 2015 -November 2016.
1.2. The Secretariat has also taken note of the comments and opinions
expressed by PPC members with respect to the content and structure of the
Country Programmes update to the PPC. In order to provide further
guidance to the Secretariat the PPC has agreed that it would take time to
discuss and align among PPC members on the content and structure of
future updates at a PPC retreat which will be held before the May 2016 PPC
2. Content
2.1. During the current strategic period the Alliance has focused strongly on
delivering on the objectiv es of the 2011 -2015 strategy, in particular to
accelerate the uptake and use of underused and new vaccines . All
Report of: Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Authored by: Stefano Malvolti; David Salinas, Alan Brooks, Santiago Cornejo
Agenda item: 13
Category: For Information
Strategic goal: SG1 - Vaccines, SG2 - Health systems, SG3 - Financing

2 December 2015

14 Risk management update pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 14

Section A: Overview
Executive Summary
1.1 Building on already existing risk management and assurance practices, a
year ago, the Board reviewed proposed further changes to Gavi?s risk
management and assurance practices at its meeting on 10 -11 December
2014. The Board approved the proposed Risk Policy, including a risk
appetite statement, and endorsed the proposed approach to strengthen risk
management and fiduciary oversight , including the recommended
structures, systems and resourcing .
1.2 This report provides an update on progress made in implementing the
changes to enhance Gavi?s management of risk, including but not limited to
fiduciary risk. It firstly reiterates Gavi?s ris k management philosophy, as laid
out in the Risk Policy approved last year, which establishes the foundation
for Gavi?s risk management approach; it then provides an update on
progress made to date on the implementation of the new risk management
and assur ance approach as approved last year, and priorities going
forward; and lastly, it requests guidance on how to best engage the Board
on risk going forward .
Risk management philosop hy
1.3 Risk is inherent to Gavi?s business, both in its mission to help achieve
dramatic progress in immunisation in the world?s poorest countries, and in
its operating model as an Alliance with a lean Secretariat without in -country
presence. Taking calculated and carefully managed risks will help to deliver
on this ambitious mission. Gavi is furthermore very conscious of its
obligation to be an effective steward of donors? resources and the need to
manage associated risks proactively, appropriate to the preferences of a
diverse stakeholder base .
Report of: Seth Berkley, MD, Chief Executive Officer
Authored by: Jacob van der Blij, Alex de Jonqui eres
Agenda item: 14
Category: For Guidance
Strategic goal: Alliance operations
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

2 December 2015

15 Engagement Framework and Budget for Partners and Secretariat 2016 2017 document pdf

Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 15 1

Report to the Board
2-3 December 2015

Section A: Overview
Executive Summary
1.1 In December 201 4, the Board approved the business plan and budget for
2015, the final year of the current strategy period , which was comprised of
1) f unding to partners , and 2) the S ecretariat budget .
1.2 At the same meeting, the Board considered and endorsed a proposed new
approach for business planning for the 2016 -2020 period that included
enhancing country focus, strengthening grant and risk management, and
investing in purposeful partnerships. It was agreed that the re -engineered
bu siness planning process would:
(a) apply a strong country lens through bottom -up planning;
(b) adopt a zero -based budgeting approach for the Secretariat and the
partners for the first budget of the next strategic period;
(c) seek ways to enhance accountability at the country level; and
(d) build on a review of the Secretariat structure, processes, and staffing in
preparation for implementation of the new ambitious strateg y during the
next period .
1.3 At its meeting in June 2015 , the Board approved a new Gavi Engagement
Framework ( ?GEF ?), which would present the Gavi budget in a way that would
enable a complete view of Alliance engagement and investments. The GEF
would bring together the financial allocations under Programme Expe nditure ,
Secretariat Engagement , and P artners? Engagement Framework ( ?PEF ?) to
show at a glance Alliance investments in countries through vaccine and cash
programs, investments in providing technical assistance through partners
under the PEF as well as the Secretariat expenditure . The Gavi Business Plan
Report of: Anuradha Gupta, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Adrien de Chaisemartin, Tony Dutson, Ciara Goldstein,
Barry Greene, Nikoletta Gutyan , Meegan Murray -Lopez
Agenda item: 15
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals

2 December 2015

16 Ebola update document pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 16
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report
1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide the Board with:
(a) An update on progress in implementing the Board/EC decisions in
response to the Ebol a crisis as per the 4 key areas 1 identified in
December 2014;
(b) An overview of the evolution of the current outbreak and the status of
clinical devel opment and procurement of candidate Ebola vaccines;
(c) Key strategic and programmatic questions emerging from the
experience in the Ebola response.
Executive Summary
2.1 In the past 12 months the Alliance has worked at different levels
(Headquarters, Regional and in-country) to implement the Board decisions.
With the progressive reduction of the number of cases in the 3 affected
countries - 2 of which have now been declared Ebola free - the focus of the
international community has now shifted from control of the e pidemic
towards: (a) the recovery of the health and immunisation systems, (b) the
creation of a stockpile for the response to future Ebola emergencies, and
(c) lessons learned from the Ebola crisis and how they should inform
improved preparedness and respo nse to future outbrea ks.
2.2 The activities in the three countries aimed at restoring routine immunisation
and health systems have proceeded with varying degrees of intensity and
1 Making an Ebola vaccine available, support deployment of the Ebola vaccine, support recovery of Health
Systems and support recovery of Immunisation program me s in the three affected countries
Report of: Seth Berkley, MD, Chief Executive Officer
Authored by: G. Vanden Bossche , Stefano Malvolti, Aurelia Nguyen, Alan
Brooks, Patience Masanhu, Magdi Ibrahim, Maryse Dugue
Agenda item: 16
Category: For Information
Strategic goal: Alliance operations

2 December 2015

17 Update on malaria vaccine and next steps pdf

Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 17
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

Section A: Overview
1. Executive Summary
1.1. The purpose of this report is to update the Board on recent developments
regarding the RTS,S malaria vaccine, most importantly the joint
SAGE/MPAC recommendations issued on 23 October 23 , and to present
three areas for potential Gavi involvement in the coming six months. This
report builds on the paper presented to the PPC during a special call on
12 November and incorporates feedback received during the discussion.
1.2. The purpose of Gavi involvement in exploratory work in the three areas
described in this paper would be to generate additional information to define
options for a potential Gavi role in the next steps for the RTS,S vaccine.
These options would then be presented to the PPC in May 2016 for Board
consideration at its meeting in June . The Board at this stage is asked for
guidance on the level of Gavi engagement , if any, between now and Ma y
2016 in each of the three work areas presented in this report .
1.3. A malaria vaccine was among five shortlisted vaccines considered in the
2013 Vaccine Investment Strategy (VIS) process for potential future
inclusion in Gavi ?s portfolio. As final trial data and a WHO recommendation
were not yet available at the time, the Board deferred a decision on a
malaria vaccine and requested to review the case again once this
information would be available. 1
1.4. In anticipation of these developments, since late 2014, the Secretariat has
collaborated with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
1 In its decision on the 2013 VIS (Board meeting of November 2013) , the Board ?noted that based on the
current assessment there is a reasonable case for GAVI support for a malaria vaccine, and that the Board
will consider opening a window if and when the vaccine is licensed, recommended for use by the joint
meeting of the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts and the Malaria Programme Advisory Committee
(expected in 2015) and WHO prequalified, taking into account updated projections of impact, cost and
country demand as reviewed by the Programme and Policy Committee (PPC). ?
Report of: Aur?lia Nguyen, Director, Policy & Market Shaping
Authored by: Judith Kallenberg, Eliane Furrer
Agenda item: 17
Category: For Guidance
Strategic goal: SG1 - Underused and new vaccines

2 December 2015

18 Review of decisions No paper pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 18

Agenda item: 18
No paper
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

2 December 2015

19 Any other business No paper pdf


Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 19

Agenda item: 19
No paper
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5

2 December 2015

A Annual report on implementation of the Gender Policy pdf


Board -2014 -Mtg -3-Doc -A
Report to the Board
2-3 December 2015

Section A: Overview
Purpose of the report
1.1 This report aim s to update the Gavi Board on progress in 201 5 in
implementing the Gavi Gender Policy.
2.1 This report is for information only.
Executive summary
3.1 The strategic framework for the Alliance for the period 2016 -2020 calls for
an increasing focus on sustainable coverage and equity of immunisation. In
preparation for the new strategic period, the Alliance has more clearly
situated gender equity within its strategic framework and defined how it will
measure gender equity.
3.2 Key gender -related activities in 201 5 have been focused on further
strengthening awareness and understanding of gender and immunisation ,
within the Secretariat and other bodies through training sessions and
analyt ic work; engaging with key transformational processes such as the
new coverage and eq uity work stream and the Grant Application and
Monitoring Review process ; and further incorporating gender within Gavi?s
media and advocacy activities. In 2015 the Secretariat Gender Working
Group implemented a work pl an of gender activities and reported o n a
quarterly basis to the Executive Team and to the Board via myGavi.
3.3 Recently, the composition of the Gavi Board has not been entirely
consistent with the Board Guidelines on Gender Balance . At the time of
Board paper distribution, it was not yet clear w hether the latest round of
nominations will result in the Gavi Board again meet ing the requirement of
Report of: Anuradha Gupta, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Meegan Murray -Lopez, Senior Executive Officer
Agenda item: A
Category: For Information
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals

2 December 2015

B Board and Committee Minutes pdf


Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
10-11 June 2015
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report & presentation of film

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 08.33 Geneva
time on 10 June 2015. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Board Chair, chaired the meeting.
1.2 The Chair referred to the revised agenda which had been circulated to the Board
on the previous day , noting that items had been reorder ed to ensure the Audit and
Finance Committee Chair would be present for the financial forecast/programme
funding request and internal audit report 1

1.3 The Chair welcomed new Board members and alternate Board members , as wel l
as Ren? Karsenti, Chair of the International Finance Facility for Immunisation
(IFFIm), other directors of the IFFIm Board, and Rob Moodie, new Chair of the
Evaluation Advisory Committee. The Chair noted that departing members would
be recognised for their service at the dinner that evening.

1.4 The Board had met in executive session the evening before to discuss the Board Chair recruitment process and the McKinsey review of Secretariat capacity and
1.5 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the Board pack). The Chair noted that in the context of the items for decision on the agenda
there were a number of Board members who would have conflicts of interest and
that these would be raised at the appropriate time and recorded in the applicable
parts of the minutes.
1.6 The Board noted its minutes from 10-11 December 2014 (Doc 01b), which were app
roved by no objection on 26 March 2015. The Board also noted its workplan
(Doc 01c).
1.7 The Chair commented on the structure and content of the papers which had been circulated to the Board for this meeting. He noted that the work had been well
prepared through the Board Committees but that some improvements could be
made to the papers so that they provide a more general and shorter overview of
the key information appropriate for Board member consumption, particularly for
Board members who are not members of particular Committees.
1.8 Finally, he presented a video on the recent introduction of Japanese encephalitis vaccine in Lao PDR.
Post-meeting note: These minutes record discussions and decisions in the order originally planned.
Annex B - Board and Committee minutes - Page 1

2 December 2015

Gavi Alliance Board Minutes 2 3 December 2015 pdf

Board -2015 -Mtg -03 1

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
2-3 December 2015
Starling Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland

1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 09 .00 Geneva
time on 2 December 2015. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten , Board Chair , chaired the meeting .

1.2 The Chair welcomed new Board member s and alternate Board members , as well
as Ren? Karsenti, Chair of the International Finance Facility for Immunisation
(IFFIm) , other directors of t he IFFIm Board and Rob Moodie, Chair of the
Evaluation Advisory Committee . The Chair noted that departing members would
be recognised for their service at the dinner that evening.

1.3 The Board had met in executive session the evening before to discuss a number
of items including issues in relation to defaulting countries, country audits, Ebola
and th e annual performance review of the CEO .

1.4 Standing declarations of interest we re tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the Board
pack). The Chair noted that in the context of the items for decision on the agenda ,
there were a number of Board members who would have conflicts of interest and
that these would be raised at the appropriate time and recorded in the applicable
parts of the minutes. He also reminded Board members to ensure that the required
declarations are completed and submitted timeously.

1.5 The Board noted its minutes from 1 0-11 June 201 5 (Doc 01b) and from
18 September 2015 (Doc 01c) , which were approved by no objection respectively
on 2 2 September 2015 and 17 November 2015 . The Board also noted its workplan
(Doc 01c).

1.6 The Chair reminded Board members that it had been planned that this meeting
would be held in Nepal but that it had regrettably not been possible. He extended
his thanks, on behalf of the Board, to Khaga Raj Adikhari, Board Member from
Nepal, and to the Government of Nepal for their understanding of the decision to
relocate the meeting to Geneva. He expressed admiration for the tremendous
efforts that Nepal has accomplished in immunisation and in this context introduced
a short film on this work .

1.7 Finally, the Chair expressed solidarity with France and the city of Paris following
the terrorist attacks of 13 November 2015 .



22 December 2015

03 CEO s report presentation pdf

Board meeting2-3 December 2015
CEO Board presentation
Seth Berkley MD
2nd December 2015
Gavi?s involvement

22 December 2015

04c PPC Chair Report pdf


22 December 2015

04d AFC Chair Report pdf


22 December 2015

04e IC Chair Report pdf


22 December 2015

04f IFFIm Chair Report pdf

IFFIm update
Ren? Karsenti, Chair IFFIm Board
2 December 2015
1. Funding Gavi
2. Issuance update
3. IFFIm?s continued strategic role
4. Board recruitment

22 December 2015

12 Data strategic focus area presentation pdf

Hope Johnson, Stephen Sosler,
Peter Hansen
2 -3 December 2015, Geneva
Vaccine safety
Delivery, Coverage
& Equity (DCE)
What the Alliance aims to achieve in data by 2020
Goals for 2020
Focus areas
Strengthen programme
management, inform
decisions and provide
Identify and
investigate , respond
efficiently and
effectively and address
public concerns
Improve the
availability, quality,
use and transparency
of data
Board meeting2-3 December 2015
Vaccine -
preventable disease
(VPD) surveillance

22 December 2015

17a Update on malaria vaccine and next steps Peter Smith pdf

SAGE/MPAC recommendation
for Pilot Implementations with
Peter Smith
Chair, Joint Technical Expert Group on Malaria
Vaccines in Phase 3 trials and Beyond
Summary of Safety for RTS,S/AS01
The European Medicines Agency ( EMA) gave a positive opinion,
indicating that in their assessment the quality of the vaccine and the
risk/benefit are favourable from a regulatory perspective .
There is one identified adverse event causality related to the vaccine:
febrile convulsions within 7 days of vaccination. In the age group 5 -17
months, these occurred at a rate of 0.5/1000 doses in the control arm
and 1.0/1000 doses in the RTS,S vaccinated group. All resolved without
sequelae, and are a known adverse event of some other vaccines.
Two other numerical excesses in vaccinated children ? cerebral malaria,
and meningitis . Not clear whether causally related to vaccination. May
be chance findings. To be addressed in Phase IV study as part of the Risk
Management Plan in the submission to EMA.
Last updated: 18 May 2021

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